Dr Elena Kantartzis


Online Therapy

Online therapy

Since the COVID pandemic, online therapy has become widely popular as an alternative to conventional in-person-therapy. In my experience there now appears to be equal demand for both ways of working with many clients showing a preference for online treatment. However, and understandably, some of you may have reservations.

Sometimes practicalities, such as space, privacy, and internet connection may present as obstacles to online therapy and some people may also worry about the effectiveness of it. Online treatment has been demonstrated to be as effective as in-person treatment with regards to therapy outcomes and some research studies report that there are some additional benefits to it.

Some of which are greater flexibility in terms of appointment times, inclusivity due to its easy access to people with mobility problems and individuals with certain mental health problems (e.g., social anxiety), as well as increased anonymity and privacy as it offers more direct access to the therapist in that there are no waiting rooms within clinics/offices involved.

Due to its easier access, online therapy may enable clients to experience a greater sense of commitment to the process.

Contact me in confidence on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.


Dr Elena Kantartzis

Dr Elena Kantartzis

Dr Elena Kantartzis

Counselling Psychologist in London and Worldwide Online.

e: info@drelenakantartzis.co.uk

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