Dr Elena Kantartzis

Dr Elena Kantartzis

My clinical experience has taught me how similar us humans are in so many ways. At the same time, I have come to appreciate how the interplay between a person’s cultural/social background and the strategies they may have developed to cope with adversity, form part of that individual’s unique experiences and needs. I pay great attention to ensuring that I use a treatment approach informed by my training and clinical expertise and tailored to the specific needs and goals of my individual clients.

My passion lies with building a strong therapeutic alliance with my clients, creating a confidential and safe environment for us to explore, identify and understand your concerns and the origins of such, whist working collaboratively on helping you move forward. I believe that a collaborative, supportive therapeutic relationship lies at the heart of the therapeutic process and research studies have consistently demonstrated that it is the strongest predictor of therapeutic change.

I strongly believe that no matter what difficulties each one of us might be going through, it is possible to work on healing and growing whilst developing helpful/workable strategies to cope with what life throws at us and hence achieve a greater sense of well-being.

Professional bodies/Accreditations

I am registered with the HCPC (Health & Care and Professions Council) and am a Chartered Member of the BPS (British Psychological Society) and a Member of the ACBS (Association of Contextual Behavioural Science).

Clinical experience

I have over 20 years of experience of working in a clinical setting. I started my career working in the NHS with clients suffering from severe and enduring mental health problems. During the initial stages of my training as a Counselling Psychologist I worked in a psychiatric hospital providing treatment to inpatients. I then moved to working at a community clinic offering different psychological therapies to individuals and groups. In the past 7 years I have been working in the private sector. My work has mainly been focused on working with individuals who suffer with different types of anxiety disorders within the context of high pressured and demanding work environments.

Contact me in confidence on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out more.


Dr Elena Kantartzis

Dr Elena Kantartzis

Dr Elena Kantartzis

Counselling Psychologist in London and Worldwide Online.

e: info@drelenakantartzis.co.uk

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